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Program type Erasmus
Institution type Training
Organisation type EPLUS-OTH-TYPE
Institutional ID 01701-ORG-13661
Organisation OID E10177488
Language English
Education field Without specialization

ShipCon (OID number: ShipConE10177488) is a dynamic and fast growing company with emphasis on EU research funded projects and vocational education and training (VET).
ShipCon strength lies on the expertise of its core team and the partnership with multi-national associates from all over Europe and beyond. With its Main Headquarters in Cyprus, ShipCon is strategically located in the crossroads of three continents, where specific economy sectors and activities have their own dynamic prospects for development, such as energy, environment and transport services. It is important to mention that ShipCon has been selected for inclusion in the 2015-16 European Business Awards sponsored by RSM.
ShipCon has a long tradition in developing EU research proposals and building successfully bidding consortia for EU funding in a wide range of thematic fields. Part of our success is due to the large network of quality & trusted partners, both in industry as well as in academia that ShipCon maintains at regional and International level.
Since 2008, ShipCon has participated in the development and implementation of LIFE+, H2020, MED, Erasmus, FP7, ENPI MED, Erasmus+ & LLP projects. Moreover, ShipCon has successfully organised Grundtvig IST seminars for adult educators as well as other type of projects, such as Grundtvig Learning partnerships and Multi-lateral (ML) projects. The company has organised more than 200 international seminars in the last ten (10) years in the area of entrepreneurship, innovation, emotional intelligence, project management, among others.
ShipCon’s unparalleled experience & expertise in securing EU funding from various EU programmes, such as H2020 (ex-FP7), Life+, MED, INTERREG, ENPI MED, Erasmus+, renders ShipCon as one of the best research & consulting companies in the South East Mediterranean.